"I myself am always surprised by the amazing improvement of the general condition already a few days after taking the preparation "IMMUNE & ANTIOX" by BENEGANIC and I am happy about the positive feedback of my patients."
Sebastian Rudolph, MD I Rheumatologist I Chemnitz I Germany
"Very good advice by mail and a service that is unparalleled! I have been a customer for two years and I always like to order from BENEGANIC. I can recommend the products without reservation."
J.D. Riedl I Medicum Hamburg I Germany
"We are thrilled that, in addition to skin and hair care from BENEGANIC, we have been offering intensive cures for some time now. The comprehensive consultation with the hairdresser as a specialist has a high value and is appreciated. The fact that the products are 100% organic convinces us very much. We can observe the strengthening of the hair and the improvement of hair growth and are happy with our customers about the success. Often a conversation arises about the other means to supplement the daily meals that support the body in its function."
Sandra Mariño | Hairdesign Intercoiffure | Langenthal I Switzerland
"I had only good experiences with BENEGANIC products, and so have my patients."
Dr. med. Kathrin Terres I Specialist for Internal Medicine I Kirchzarten near Freiburg I Germany
"My customers are important to me. Therefore, I am constantly looking for more suitable techniques, helpful products, and supportive solutions. With BENEGANIC I have a brilliant companion in terms of nutritional supplements, my clients and employees are thrilled. For that, many thanks."
Salon Morhard I Intercoiffure I Aschaffenburg I Germany
"For several years we have been recommending our patients to take products from BENEGANIC. Composition, quality and scientific proof of effectiveness are also proven in daily use."
Dr. Carsten Nolten I Cardiologist I Dresden I Germany
"With BENEGANIC, I have found a partner whose products I can recommend to my patients with a clear conscience because of their high quality. The research behind the products is sound and extensive. The clinical results with my patients confirm this."
Dr.med. Michael Blessing I Urology I Bad Wörishofen I Germany
"I appreciate the professional and
personal advice. I am convinced of the good quality and effectiveness of the products and also benefit greatly myself from taking BENEGANIC!"
NM I Internist I Bern I Switzerland
"BENEGANIC: Preparations made from 100% plant organic extracts, gently extracted while maintaining biological activity, the effectiveness documented and scientifically proven in a serious way. I have not been able to find this anywhere before in 40 years in the pharmacy."
Claus Möhring I Pharmacist I Detmold
"The very fine and high-quality formulated BENEGANIC products are characterized by their organic content and scientifically based composition. In the daily practice setting, these products should be explored in more detail as they represent a valuable option for adjuvant concomitant medication."
Dr. med. Univ. Ralph Burger I Radiologist I Bergisches Land I Germany
"The feedback from customers is impressive! Their personal success stories confirm the quality of BENEGANIC's products and the know-how behind them."
Christian Wetterich I Pharmacist I Fulda I Germany
"After first convincing myself of the effectiveness of the Keratin Hair Booster, I was also delighted with the advice, support and organization provided by BENEGANIC. That's how you want cooperation!"
Salon Oliver Bohn Intercoiffure I Lörrach I Germany
"I can highly recommend BENEGANIC. Customers to whom I have recommended it are thrilled and buy again. I also take it myself and I am very satisfied with it. Besides, it is easy to explain the advantages over commercial products. My favorite and our best selling product is INDIAN GOLD CURCUMIN."
Danniel Saner I Hairdresser I Zurich I Switzerland
"The BENEGANIC products convince me as a therapist as well as my patients. The consistent use of organic-bioactive substances with proven efficacy (nutraceuticals) and the total absence of additives is the recipe for success of BENEGANIC products. By using the
BENEGANIC products, I have even more satisfied patients."
Karl Lingenfelder I Master of Preventive Health Sciences and Management I Fulda I Germany
“BENEGANIC FIRST AID IMMUNE BOOSTER ist mein Lieblingsprodukt. In meinem Berufsalltag wird mir viel Konzentration abverlangt um richtige Entscheidungen zu treffen. Hierbei hilft mir der FIRST AID IMMUNE BOOSTER fit und leistungsfähig zu bleiben und Erkältungen zu vermeiden."
Mihail Jugov I Jurist I Frankfurt